Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

the pencil and the pick

today i no longer loose confidence in my self

today the path i started when i was four will
begin to be paved with solid stone pried from
the earth, churned up from the earth
formed after eons, housing the building blocks of life-

today i arose upon sinuous wings and rode the currents
as deftly as an albatross all be it still young in years
yet flight is no longer a mystery and direction is irrelevant.

i am all ears, eyes, hands and heart!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

bike creature



Kruger House @ Pioneer Farms

june twentysixth 2010


Even though it's merely on Greyhound, it feels good to be moving across the vertical plane.
On the road! Cashews, dried mango and semi fresh cherries are my travel fare, and my Kalamazoo bred Gibson RB250 circa 1970 is making it's maiden voyage with me (- i really need to get this thing insured.)

This is time to heal, Dallas will be the Maelstrom, Fort Worth the Gateway, and Weatherford the Last Outpost and Lipan... Rest.

Milana comes on Friday and so too hopes of progressing through the unlit corridor and again into the Wood and on to Open Country.

the City, even Austin, takes it's toll, there's grit on every street and the cars have it for
breakfast, so too do the drivers i suspect. and in Texas the Sun beats down to remind us of
Trees and Water, although some only think Air Conditioning.

My phone is off and i won't know what time it is until i get to Dallas.
Salado is sleeping out of Time; an anachronism on a map, outwardly hiding things like the
the Interweb and Plasma T.V.

Monday, June 21, 2010

one week before my brother's wedding

i swam under water today
it was like being in another world
i sat under the sun today
and contemplated loneliness and permanence
i biked in the heat
and hit every green light except the last two
i tried to dance with her
and she said no
i danced with her
and we exchanged words of love
her smile sometimes is still warm
-warm as the sun but shining with in
-her smile is sometimes only polite
and mine is often anxious

newest poster design

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


sea came from the sea and was more beautiful
than any creature on land, light emanated from her center
and grace animated her every move.

Sick's Pack logo design

Sick's Pack logo design

Thursday, March 18, 2010

flatcar rattlers art

part of a little strip-

Instant Sleep


inside shadow